FR Collar


FR Collar is designed to maintain the fire resistance of fire rated walls and floors where these are breached by service penetrations. FR Collar may also be used in drywalls, masonry or concrete walls and floors.

View other products in the Protecta range : FR Acrylic, FR Board, FR Pipe Wrap, EX Mortar. Proudly developed and manufactured by Polyseam.

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Classified for fire sealing in all types of constructions
Excellent sound insulation
Fire classifications up to 240 minutes for both integrity and insulation
30 years working life guarantee

Full product description

FR Collar is designed to maintain the fire resistance of fire rated walls and floors where these are breached by service penetrations. FR Collar may also be used in drywalls, masonry or concrete walls and floors. Each collar consists of a red or white coated, circular steel shell that splits in two to fit around the service penetrations by a simple slide and lock system. The steel shell contains a high end, fast expanding patented intumescent, graphite material which reacts when exposed to heat from a fire, closing the openings left by the softening combustible material. Fire Rated Collar Benefits:

  • Classified for fire sealing in all types of constructions
  • Excellent sound insulation
  • Fire classifications up to 240 minutes for both integrity and insulation
  • Emission-free
  • 30 years working life guarantee

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Colour Options

Red, White